COMPLETED: Borehole and hand pump for Kossoh Farm
Type: Hand drilled borehole and SL pump
Location: Kossoh Farm, Sierra Leone
People directly affected: 310
Price: 550 US$

The situation:
Kossoh Farm is a section of Fullah town, which is located in Waterloo near Freetown in Sierra Leone. The community is deprived of improved public water services, and the local people has to bring water for their domestic use home from a stream, which has no protection for contamination. W4W is establishing a total of 6 wells across the various secions of Fullah town. One of these sections, Kossoh Farm, is home to 310 people.
The solution:
For 550$ OCEAN MARINE & FISHING GEAR A/S has entirely donated a hand drilled borehole and a closed well with a SL handpump made from locally available materials by W4W’s Sierra Leonean partner ERWS whom have successfully drilled more than 400 wells of the type with success. The population of Kossoh Farm, counting 310 people, now have a clean water well available for public use. The project was completed in November 2020.